To see women and girls empowered economically, socially, and politically

  • To see women and girls empowered economically, socially, and politically

  • To see women and girls empowered economically, socially, and politically

  • GBV prevention and response by identity factors that increase the risks and undermine access to services and safety, particularly for the most marginalized groups

  • Fistula treatment, social reintegration of survivors

  • Women's economic empowerment includes women's ability to participate equally

  • Women's economic empowerment includes women's ability to participate equally

Mujejeguwa Loka Women Development Association​ MLWDA

The Story

Mujejeguwa Loka Women Development Association (MLWDA) is a volunteer based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) has been established in 2002/03 with a vision to see Gumuz women stand on equal ground with men and the rest of the country as well as to see the Gumuz Community empowered in socio-economic and political development activities. MLWDA is registered by the Federal Ministry of Justice and the Benishangul-Gumz Regional State Bureau of Justice as a Non-Profit Organization with permission to work on the socio-economic development programs of the livelihood of the Gumz Community and currently as per the new Proclamation No. 1113/2019 of the Civil Society Organization, fulfilling all the requirements, has got its legal personality with Re-registration No. 0183 as Local Organization. The Association has located its Head Office in Gilgel Beles and its liaison office in Addis Ababa and with other regional coordination offices in Benishangul-Gumz Regional State in Metekel zone in woredas of Dangur, Guba and Mandura. Since its establishment in 2002/03, it has achieved a meaningful intervention in numerous Gumz community development programs. ”Mujejeguwa Loka” in the Gumuz language means ”Down Light”; whereas Mujejeguwa stands for ”Down” and the Loca for ”Light”.


MLWDA follows the highest ethical standards, signifying honesty and fairness in every action it involves.


MLWDA follows the highest ethical standards, signifying honesty and fairness in every action it involves.


MLWDA respects laws, rules and agreements with donors and carry outs activities accordingly.


Compliance with national laws and Association's rules and regulations, agreements entered with partners:

MLWDA respects laws, rules and agreements with donors and carry outs activities accordingly.


MLWDA listens to and learn from its community. It addresses the root causes of community problems and mobilizes resources for the common good.


MLWDA listens to and learn from its community. It addresses the root causes of community problems and mobilizes resources for the common good.


MLWDA strives for equity and it focuses primarily, but not exclusively, on people who are vulnerable.


MLWDA strives for equity and it focuses primarily, but not exclusively, on people who are vulnerable.


MLWDA practices and achieves inclusiveness among its community. Its honor diverse strengths, needs, voices, and backgrounds of all members of its community.


MLWDA practices and achieves inclusiveness among its community. Its honor diverse strengths, needs, voices, and backgrounds of all members of its community.

Serving the people

MLWDA is always committed to serve in the best interest of the people particularly those who are marginalized and have no/little life opportunities such as vulnerable women, girls and children.

Serving the people

MLWDA is always committed to serve in the best interest of the people particularly those who are marginalized and have no/little life opportunities such as vulnerable women, girls and children.

People's participation

MLWDA understands any development process can never be successful or sustainable unless it reflects people’s reality and needs, and thus encourages the active participation of beneficiaries at all stages of the project life cycle.

People's participation

MLWDA understands any development process can never be successful or sustainable unless it reflects people’s reality and needs, and thus encourages the active participation of beneficiaries at all stages of the project life cycle.


MLWDA promotes the empowerment of women and others marginalized people as an intrinsic part of its people socio-economic development process.


MLWDA promotes the empowerment of women and others marginalized people as an intrinsic part of its people socio-economic development process.

Transparency and Accountability

MLWDA and its staff accept their individual and team responsibilities and work hard to realize their commitments taking full responsibility for their performances, decisions and actions. MLWDA also ensures all of its activities are undertaken in transparent and legitimate ways.

Transparency and Accountability

MLWDA and its staff accept their individual and team responsibilities and work hard to realize their commitments taking full responsibility for their performances, decisions and actions. MLWDA also ensures all of its activities are undertaken in transparent and legitimate ways.

26+ Years Of Experience

Women Touched
0 K+
Cases Done
0 +
Awards Achieved

True Stories

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Case story of Yadem

Yadem is about the same age to Belaynesh. She has been a victim of fistula for 7 years. Similar to Belaynesh, Yadem couldn’t hold several pregnancies.

Case story of Belaynesh

Belaynesh suffered from fistula for 4 years. Her age is about 23. She became pregnant 4 times under fistula and aborted 4 times. She wouldn’t know what to do ...

Case story of Wude

Wudu is a 14 year old girl who suffered from early marriage and fistula. She was married at the age of 13 and developed fistula at delivery. Her life is spared after seven days of painful labor delivering a ...

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In Loving Memory Of Trihas Mezgebe 1953 -2014 EC

ወይዘሪት ትርሃስ መዝገበ በ 1953 ዓም ከእናታቸው ከወ/ሮ ፀጋ ሰበሆ እና ከአባታቸው ከአቶ መዝገበ ገ/መድህን በአስመራ ከተማ ተወለዱ:: ለቤተሰቦቻቸው 5 ልጅ ሲሆኑ ሰባት እህትና አንድ ወንድም ነበራቸው፡፡


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